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How To Redesign Your Job: Tailoring Your Role To Fit Your Strengths Webinar

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Too often, we’re forced to fit a role, then we wonder why we’re so frustrated and stuck. In this webinar, we will discuss some practical ways you can redesign your job so that it fits you better. Whether you work for an employer or you have your own company, we can all benefit from thinking about how to make our jobs match our strengths.

The reality is that in most workplaces, we have more authority and autonomy than we think when it comes to changing our jobs to fit us. There is a lot you can change—even without needing to ask your manager for permission—though we will cover how to ask them too.

This webinar will include relevant stories, it will be loaded with ideas you can use, and you'll walk way with at least one valuable insight you can put to work for yourself immediately following this webinar.


Note: This is a Zoom Webinar format—so whether you’re in professional attire or pajamas, you’re good! Unlike our interactive workshops, these webinars are designed so that you can listen and learn—no camera on, no breakouts. Besides, if you're joining at lunchtime, you will want to eat while listening in. It's up to you how much you want to engage in the chat and ask questions.

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